(780) 215-4443


For many of you, home inspecting is associated with older properties that have over time deteriorated or developed a variety of problems. But what about new construction homes, or houses that are in the process of being built? Should you still inspect them? The simple answer is yes, in fact, involving your home inspector through the construction process is a very good idea. Here are some reasons why:

We must remember that no one is perfect so it stands to reason that, during the construction of a home, mistakes can be made. Sometimes these mistakes will go unnoticed and this is where it can lead to problems with the home later on. By way of example, suppose an electrical fitting or some plumbing pipework is damaged and then covered with drywall. Any problems that result from this may go undetected until they start to cause a bigger problem. But having your home inspector go through the home during the various phases of the build will help to diagnose these mistakes before they are covered over.

Another benefit to including your home inspector during all phases of the build is that they will be familiar with every inch of the house which will make any future inspections that much easier. Being that familiar with the home will enable the inspector to quickly and simply diagnose any issues that may arise.

So, the advantages of involving your home inspector throughout the home building process are clear and will give you the confidence that you are moving into a safe and problem-free home.

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